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Oracle Software enr. proudly presents
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User's Manual
The Walls of Bratock is a fantasy role-playing game that features some
of the best VGA graphics ever seen on the shareware market, it also features
music that will transport your soul to Bratock. The professionnal quality
cinematic storyline will put you right into the game. Converse with dozens
of inhabitants, fight hordes of monsters, and explore endless areas as you try
to avoid a war between the humans and their once allies Goat-men.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Table of Contents=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Introduction/Table of Contents....................................1
Getting started...................................................2
SB Users......................................................2
Running Bratock...............................................2
The Main Menu.....................................................2
Running the introduction......................................2
Create a character............................................2
Read This.....................................................2
Journey Onward................................................2
Creating a Character..............................................2
Name and gender...............................................3
Moving Around the Island..........................................4
The Walls of Bratock..........................................4
Talking to people.............................................6
Locked doors..................................................6
Commands in combat............................................7
Deploying the party...........................................7
Moving the party..............................................8
Destroying the ennemy.........................................8
Special damages...............................................8
Last notes........................................................10
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Getting Started =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
SB Users:
If you only have downloaded WOBVV.XXX, you do not have any Sound
Blaster files. You must download WOBSBVV.XXX on your local BBS (if
it's not there, call The Global Connection BBS). Also, you need to
have the CT-VOICE.DRV in the directory set in your SOUND environment.
Also, you will need to load the SBFMDRV driver in memory BEFORE running
BRATOCK (See your SB manual for more informations).
VV: Version (example: WOB10 = WOB version 1.0)
XXX: Extension (ZIP, ARJ, ARC or others...)
Run the file 'SETUP.EXE' by typing 'SETUP' from the WOB directory.
You will see the SB options up the menus. You can turn the SB sounds
and music, the IBM sounds, professionnal shading system and the color
cycling on and off. If either the SB sounds, the SB music, or the
IBM sounds are turned off in the setup, you won't be able to turn them
back on in the game. If they are turned on in the setup, you will be
able to toggle them at will during the game. This does not apply to
the professionnal shading system and color cycling.
Professionnal shading system: PSS is used to create the night effect.
With PSS turned on, you will be able to see object with more
definition if you are near them than if you are far away from them.
This process can slow down the game, so on slower computer it is
recommended to turn it off.
Color Cycling: Color Cycling is used to create some animations (such
as boiling lava). Color Cycling can slow down the game if you
have a slow computer and/or video card. If the game is too slow,
or if the SB music is running slowly, turn the Color Cycling off.
NOTE: You cannot have SB music with IBM sounds
Running Bratock
Once you have finished the setup, you can enter the world of Bratock
by typing BRATOCK from your bratock directory. The introduction
cinematic sequence will then unfold before you. After the cut-scene,
the main menu will appear.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Main Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The main menu consists of 4 choices:
Run Introduction
Re-run the introduction cut-scene
Create a character
Create a new character (See creating a character)
Read This
Important informations concerning the game. Use the left and right
arrows to browse through the informations, ESC will return to the
main menu.
Journey Onward
Begin your adventure
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Creating a Character =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Before you begin playing THE WALLS OF BRATOCK, you must create a
character, this character will be your alter-ego and will act as
you order him.
Name and gender
First of all, you must give your character a name, type the name
then press ENTER. Then you must choose the gender of your character,
either (M)ale of (F)emale.
You must then choose your race. All races have strengths and weaknesses.
Just press the highlighted letter in the race name to select it.
Races are:
Humans: The standard race in Bratock, the humans are the most
polyvalent race, they can be of any class and have no special stregths
or weaknesses.
Dwarves: These small humanoids live mostly in forests and underground.
Dwarves are usually healthy and have a better constitution than
other races. But they are considered by most as "plain ugly".
They are incapable of using magic, thus becoming mages, warlords
and bards.
Gnome: Distant relative to dwarves, the gnome have develop a sense of
magic, they are less sturdy but more intelligent than their cousin
the dwarves. They are also considered careless some times.
Halfling: Another relative (but even more distant than the gnome) to
the dwarves, the halflings are small and dextrous. They make ideal
thieves due to their dextruous nature, but they are weak.
Orc: Often called "pig-men" or simply "pigs", orcs are barely
tolerated due to their primal evil nature. Some orcs, however,
became good with time, but they are still not tolerated in most
western countries. Orcs are strong, but not too bright.
1/2 orcs: Crossbreed between a human and an orc, this race is rarely
tolerated by either humans or orcs. These unwanted humanoids
usually become evil. They are, like orcs, strong but stupid.
Hobgoblin: Also called higher orcs, they are not related to orcs but
often work with them. Hobgoblins have developed much like humans,
they are as polyvalent as humans.
Yetis: Yetis are polar humanoids. They fight well when in cold
temperature but tire easily in hot deserts or even semi-tropical
areas. They are strong, but not very wise.
Half-Giant: One of the tallest humanoid in Bratock, the half-giant
is tolerated, but not loved in Bratock. They are crossbreeds of
humans and hill giants. Half giant are extremely strong, but they
are stupid and careless.
The class is the profession your character will have. To select a class,
press the highlighted letter in the class name.
Classes are:
Fighters: Trained men-at-arm, the fighters do just that: fight.
They specialize in hand to hand and ranged combat. They are
fearless in battle. They do not know, or understand magic, and
they usually have no religions, those who have do not practice it
with great care.
Mages: Mages are the weakest fighters of all. They do not fight
well, but are the best casters of all classes. When reaching
high levels, they become extremely powerfull, wiping our armies
with one gesture of the hand!
Paladins: Fighters oriented to the cause of Locast, the astral
knight, the paladin fights almost as well as a fighter. When
reaching higher levels, the God Locast grants him some brother
Brothers: Priests of Locast, the brothers can fight well, and cast
brother spells. With their spell, mostly oriented towards curing
and healing, they can help a party survive in the wilds!
Ranger: Fighters devoted to Alina, the goddess of nature, rangers are
mostly like paladins, they fight like them, and, at high level,
they can cast spells. But their spells are druidic, not brotherly.
Thief: Masters in the art of stealth, thieves are good to pick locks
on doors and chests. They do not fight as well as fighters, but
can come in handy when in tricky situations.
Warlords: The ultimate fighting machine. The Warlord fights as a
Paladin and, when he reaches higher levels, can cast the destructive
spells of the mage. Warlords are often army commanders and gain
great prestige with time.
Attributes are randomized numbers form 1 to 20. They are affected by
the race and class of the character. Once the set of attributes
appears, press R to reroll them, K to keep them or Q to go back to
the main menu.
Attributes are:
Strength: Strength is used mostly in combat and to open locked doors
by bashing them!
Dexterity: Avoiding blows, picking locks, and manipulating small
objects requires dexterity.
Intelligence: Solving puzzles, learning the art of magic, these
are possible only with intelligence.
Wisdom: Only wise persons can join the order of Alina or Locast,
priests must have wisdom.
Constitution: Constitution determine one's resistance to poison,
sturdyness, and stamina.
Charisma: One's beauty, and the general "attraction" other will
have toward one is his charisma.
Magic: Magic is the magical energy currently stored inside a
character. If a character is a priest (or priest-related),
then magic can go as high as the character's wisdom. If
the character is a mage (or mage-related), then his magic
can go as high as his intelligence. Magic is drained when
the character casts a spell, and is regained by sleeping.
The more powerfull the spell, the more magic it drains.
Once you have decided your attributes, you are taken back to the main
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Moving Around the Island =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The Walls of Bratock
You must first learn how to use the interface. The city of The Walls
of Bratock is ideal for that. There you can experiment with most
functions in the game. Chests, locked doors, combat, training,
conversations, etc. Be sure you know how to play before you leave.
Here is a list of commands used throught the game.
During your travels:
Walking around:
Up Arrow: North Down Arr: South
Left Arr: West Right Ar: East
C: Cast a spell
You will be asked who will cast, it must be a magic-using
character (that uses either magical, brotherly or druidical
magic) Then a list of spell will appear, press the letter
corresponding to the spell you want to cast. Remember that
you need to be at least as high of level as the spell is, and
that you must have at least as much magical points as the level
of the spell.
D: Drop a party member
If your party is full (6 characters) and you want to add another
member, you must first drop one from your party. Be sure that
this character DOES NOT have any important items such as keys or
magical objects, as you WILL NOT be able to get them back. When
a character is dropped, he loses all his experience, items, and
characteristics. He then goes back to where he was when you
picked him up.
E: Enter
Enter any settlement (castle, city, village, dungeon). You must
walk over the settlement you wish to enter and then press E.
G: Use gem
Somewhere on the island is a magical gem of great power. Once
you have found it, you can use this command to use it. THE GEM
H: Hole up and camp
Sleeping will get you health and magical points. Be sure to
rest if your characters have been hurt or are our of magical
points. You can sleep from one to eight hours.
I: Inventory
Calls the inventory screen. Once in the inventory, the following
commands apply:
Up : Previous slot Down : Next slot
TAB : Next category SHFT-TAB: Previous category
ENTER : Change the position of the item
If, for example, you want to take the item in your character's
left hand and put it in his right, first you must press TAB until
the flashing cursor is in the "READIED EQUIPMENT" window. Then
press up or down to move around the body until the item in the
left hand flashes. Press ENTER. The item will be placed in the
"SWITCH" window. You must then move to the right hand slot and
press ENTER again.
There is no control in this screen, you can have one 2-handed
weapon in each hand, as you could in real life, but you won't be
able to fight with those weapons once in combat.
Note: In the finger box, the upper slot is the index, the lower
box is the middle-finger.
*** WARNING ***: Items in the "Switch" and "Loot" windows will be
lost when you quit the inventory screen (with ESC).
K: Climb
Used to climb up or down through a ladder. You must be over a
ladder to perform this action.
L: Look
Identify an scenery object. After you have selected that, you
must select a spot with your cursor then press ENTER. Remember,
this command is not used to identify people, if you position the
cursor over a person, you will identify what this person is
standing on.
M: Marching order
This command is used to switch the order of 2 characters. You
then have to select the two character you want to switch.
Remember that the top 3 characters are in the front row in combat,
and the 3 last are in the back row.
O: Open
Open a door or chest. You must select the door/chest you want to
open. Remember that some doors or chests are locked, if you stumble
on a locked door or chest other options will appear:
Bash the door/chest: Use physical force to blow open a door or
chest. In the case of a chest, this will automatically trigger
the trap if there is one.
Pick Lock: Have your thief tries to pick the lock. If he succeed,
the door/chest will open. In the case of a chest, a trap might
be triggered by an clumsy thief! Remember, you need a thief
and this thief must have a set of picks in his backpack.
Use a key: Use a key corresponding to the door's lock.
Leave: Leave the door or chest alone
S: Search
Search the spot you stand on for items. This is usefull when you
think there might be a hidden object in the room.
T: Talk
Talk to a person. You must then choose to whom you want to talk.
Once you have chosen, you will be entering conversation mode.
Conversations are held in one keyword sentences. Keywords used
most often are:
NAME : Ask for one's name
JOB : Ask for one's occupation
BUY : Trade from person to character (can mean rent, buy,
SELL : Trade from character to person
TRAIN : Ask the person to train a character
BYE : End conversation
Once a conversation gets started, try to find the keyword in the
person's answer and type it to continue the conversation. Example:
if a person says: "I am a bartender", then the keyword would be
"bartender". Just type it, and he will answer you.
U: Use a light source
Use either a candle, torch, lantern, or oil lamp. These objects
are used to see in dark places. You will be asked to supply the
name of the person that holds the object. The object MUST BE IN
Z: View Stats
Check the statistics of a person. There you can see the person's
name, race, class, magic, strength etc.
Note: If EXPRIENCE is written in light red, it means the character
is ready to be trained
Talking to people
Talk to everyone you meet. Many people have very important hints
to give you, others can help you learn the culture and history of
the island. Watch out! Some people may give away false hints by
mistake (or intentionally). Also, do not try to squeeze information
out of everyone the first time you talk to them, some people will
not tell what they know until later in the game...
There are also merchants, that will sell you goods (swords, lanterns)
or services (healings, training, room). Note where are the bargains,
and where your class can be trained, this will prove usefull during
your quest.
Chests can have gold, as well as items inside them. But you must
be carefull, many people put traps in their chests to avoid
being robbed. They include:
Acid spray: Damages the person who open the chest
Poison spray: Poisons
Bomb: Gunpowder will give great damages to all party members
Gas cloud: Poisons all party member.
There also is one more powerfull trap, so be carfull!
Locked doors:
Most locked doors have keyholes, providing you have a matching key,
you can unlock them without any troubles.
Depending on the strength of the door, you can try to bash it or
destroy the lock with an "UNLOCK" spell.
Depending on the lock complexity, your thief might want to try his
Doors usually are trap-free, but bashing them can hurt a character!
On the island, magic is not tolerated, no magic may be used. This is
the reason the spell list is very limited. However, to survive, the
most basic spells are included here, you should not cast spells while
in a civilized area.:
The following is a list of spells used outside combat environment:
Level 1
LIGHT : Creates a ball of light that follows the caster. Lasts longer
than most torches, candles, and even oil lamps.
Level 3
UNLOCK : Destroys a door of most strength. Stronger and magically locked
doors are not affected by this spell.
Level 1
HEAL : Gives a character some hit points back. This can never exeed
MINOR the character's hit maximum. This spell is used to cure slight
WOUNDS damages.
Level 7
HEAL : Gives a character some hit points back. This can never exeed
WOUNDS the character's hit maximum. This spell is used to cure moderate
CURE : Relieves the character of a poison caused by swamps or poisonous
POISON creatures.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Conflicts -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
In your travels you will meet creatures, monsters, animals, as well
as humanoids. When you do, you will have a description of the
opposing party and their apparent mood (friendly, hostile, or scared).
You will then be able to either attack them, flee (run like hell!), or
try to engage in a normal conversation.
If the opposing party attacks, you will enter the combat mode.
In combat, the following commands apply:
Walking around:
Up Arrow: Up Down Arr: Down
Left Arr: Left Right Ar: Right
A: Attack
Attack with your weapon(s). If the character has a weapon in
each hand, he will be able to perform 2 attacks. This does
not apply to two-handed weapons such as two-handed swords and
C: Cast a spell
Same as the "During your travel"'s cast
To flee, just walk of the battlefield. Depending on your speed, you
may or may not be able to flee. In special combats (with major
ennemies), you will not be allowed to flee, the battle will be to the
Deploying the party:
A well deployed party is often the key to success in battle. You must
use the "Marching order" command (while travelling) to move your
strongest character in front of the party, and your weakest character
in the back. It is a good idea to move magicians, clerics, and
ranged-weapon-using fighters to the back, there they can cast or use
their weapon without being attacked.
Moving the party:
Once in combat, it is essential you move your party to fit the course
of battle. If more ennemies attack from the right, then move your
fighters to the right. Always move your casters and ranged-weapon
users away from the ennemy.
Destroying the ennemy:
Once in combat, three things can happen: Either you destroy the ennemy,
the ennemy destroys you, or you flee (if you can). The best result for
you would be to destroy the ennemy. To do this, you must all your
character to their full potential. Have all your magic-users rested and
ready to cast and your fighters healthy. Then, examine your ennemy,
their strengths, weaknesses. Exploit these as much as you can and
you will be successfull!
Special Damages:
Warning, some ennemies have special attack. These attacks includes
poison and other more hazardous powers. Experience will teach you
wich creatures to avoid because of these attacks!
The following is a list of spells used inside combat environment:
Level 1
BURNING : The mage's hands covers itself with fire, the mage must
HANDS attack a creature next to him to discharge this fire on
the target.
MAGIC : Launch a ball of magical energy to a target, anywhere on
MISSILE the battlefield. This ball never misses, but inflicts less
damages than burning hands
Level 5
BLINK : By using this spell the mage will instantly diseappear, and
reappear somewhere else on the battlefield. Used to escape
unwanted opponents.
FIREBALL: Creates a huge ball of fire that can be thrown in the middle
of the opposing party. the ball of fire then explodes, striking
all opponents (or friends) in it's vicinity.
LIGHT- : Creates a stroke of lightning that will head directly towards
NING the upper side of the battlefield, striking any adversary in
it's path.
FLAME : Creates a flaming arrow that a mage can launch at one of his
ARROW opponent. Inflicts severe burning damage.
MULTI- : Creates multiple fireballs. The fireballs are much smaller
TARGET (they can only hit one opponent each), but they inflict more
FIRE- damages than the standard fireball. The number of fireballs
BALL depends on the mage's level
ICE : The strongest spell of this list, the Ice Storm creates a
STORM enormous ball of ice in the middle of an opposing party. This
ball inflicts extremely severe cold damages and leads most
creatures to death. It's high size can lead to damaging friends,
use with care!
WALL : Contrary to the vertical lightning bold, the wall of fire
OF creates an horizontal wall of flaming doom on the battlefield.
FIRE creatures caught in this destructive wall suffers great
Level 1
CREATE : The opposite to heal minor wounds, this spell hurts any one
MINOR creature near the priest (1 square range). It only inflicts
WOUNDS minor damages.
CURSE : This spells summon the god of the priest to hurt it's ennemies.
EVIL every creature on the battlefield that wishes to hurt the priest
BEINGS can be affected.
TURN : Undeads are the ennemies of the god Locast. So, all priests
UNDEADS has the power, with this spell, to hurt them. All undead
monsters on the battlefield can be affected by the spell.
Level 3
SPIRI- : Creates a hammer of spiritual energy that the priest can
TUAL throw at one of his adversary. Once the attack is made, the
HAMMER hammer goes back to the spiritual plane.
WITHDRAW: Instantly teleports the party away from the battlefield. This
spell always succeed unless there is a cloud of negative magical
energy. In this case fleeing is impossible.
Level 5
MAGICAL : Summons 3 stones from the spiritual plane to throw at the
STONES priest's ennemy. The stones then go back to their plane of
Level 7
CAUSE : The opposite to heal wounds, this spell works the same manner
WOUNDS as create minor wounds, except the wounds are moderate.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Troubleshooting =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
P: Even if I turn the SB music on, there is no music in the game
C: - You may not have downloaded and installed the SB kit
- You may not have loaded the resident utility SBFMDRV
- You may not have a real Sound Blaster
See SB users, and/or your SB manual for more information
P: Even if I turn the SB sounds on, there is no digitized speech or sound
C: - You may not have downloaded and installed the SB kit
- You may not have the driver CT-VOICE.DRV in the right directory on your
hard disk
- You may not have a real Sound Blaster
See SB users, and/or your SB manual for more information
P: The SB music is running too slowly
C: - You may have a compatibility problem between your video and sound
blaster card. Turn the Color Cycling off.
- Your computer may not be fast enough to handle the music, turn the
SB music off.
P: The game dosen't load properly, it locks up.
C: - The SB music or sound is turned on and you do not have a sound blaster
- The SB music or sound is turned on and you do not have the SB kit
- You do not have the 640k required to play the game
P: My main save game file has been corrupted.
C: In case of a file corruption, a restoration program have been provided
just run the RESTORE.BAT program, it will restore the game you saved
BEFORE your last save.
P: When I choose JOURNEY ONWARD, the game returns to DOS
C: Create a character BEFORE you choose "JOURNEY ONWARD"
P: The game is not a fantasy role-playing, but an arcade game.
C: You have not downloaded the right file! Download WOB10.ZIP!
Other troubles? Call The Global Connection BBS (508) 534-4944 or, in
Canada, Axe Master BBS (819) 732-1578 and leave a message to Christian
Boutin today! Or write to Oracle Software Enr. 132, marchildon.
Amos, Quebec. Canada J9T 4G5.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Registering =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
For the ridiculously low price of 18 US$ (21 CAN$), you can receive
the registered version of The Walls of Bratock. This package
* The registered version of The Walls of Bratock
This registered version has a cheat key that will allow you to:
* Live forever
* Mass kill
* Pass through walls and other hazards
* Cast any spell
* Create food and gold at will
* Printed instructions
* An atlas of Bratock
This atlas contains:
* a color map of Bratock
* The history of Bratock
* Geographical features of Bratock
* Informations onm cities, villages, castles
* Profile of the important people of Bratock
* A discount on FLAME STORM, the sequel to The Walls of Bratock
For 5 US$ (6 CAN$) more, you will receive a complete hint book.
In this book is all you need to know to make the game from one end
to the other! Includes treasure caches, monsters hideouts, and
other hints!
You can get all these benefits for 18 US$ (15$ + 3$ Shipping/Handling)
or 21 CAN$ (18$ + 3$ Shipping/handling). Make the check payable to:
Oracle Software Enr.
132, Marchildon (Box 6)
Amos, Quebec
Canada J9T 4G5
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Last notes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Oracle Software would like to thank the following people for their
participation in the project:
Christian Boutin : Programmation/Graphics/Design
Eric Boutin : Graphics/Musics/Playtesting
Alain Paradis : Musics/Playtesting
and all other playtesters, especially Patrick Bourgault for finding
last-minute bugs that could have proven fatal for the future of this,
and other planes of existance!
We would also like to thank the following non-existing people:
Count Logtar, Camirio Orog, Deand, General Kahjar, Xavior Bashany and his
dear wife Lynn Riverside, King Karl and King Logos Karilna.
and others whose participation may have been forgotten in time...
Thank you for playing The Walls of Bratock, we hope you will enjoy